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Utah Canning Company

Ogden, UT


Started by Robert Lundy, the Utah Canning Company began operated from 1888 until its closure in 1972.  Known for a variety of products, the success of the canning operation was partly due to its ability to maintain production year round.  Famous for their Pierce’s Pork and Beans, the Utah Canning Company was also known for its other products, including canned hominy and pumpkin.

Address or general location

Ogden, Utah


Utah’s canning industry began in the late 1800s and, at one time, included approximately 45 canning companies.  The Utah Canning Company formed after the dissolution of its predecessor, the Colorado-Utah Canning Company which had begun operating in Ogden in 1886.

Various local businessmen became involved in the canning company, including Robert Lundy, Isaac N. Pierce, Thomas Dee and David Eccles.  The Utah Canning Company’s success was partly attributed to its year-round production of Pierce’s Pork and Beans as well as its seasonal products including canned hominy and pumpkin.  Due to the decline in the canning industry beginning in the 1950s, the Utah Canning Company was eventually closed in 1972.

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