Pacificorp Utah
AKA Rocky Mountain Power, Salt Lake City, UT

Pacificorp was formed in 1912 but did not begin operating in Utah until 1987, when it acquired Utah Power & Light. Rocky Mountain Power, one of Pacificorp’s business units, serves the states of Utah, Wyoming and parts of Idaho. Pacificorp owns several power plants located in Utah which are listed as asbestos jobsites.
Address or general location
Rocky Mountain Power’s Utah headquarters: 1407 W North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. See below for links to specific power plants located in Utah.
Pacificorp is an electric power company which operates in the western United States. Formed in 1910, Pacificorp did not operate in Utah until 1987, when it purchased Utah Power & Light. Utah Power & Light had been operating in Utah since 1912. In 2006, Pacificorp’s Utah, Wyoming and Idaho operations were renamed as Rocky Mountain Power.
Pacificorp has or continues to own and operate the following Utah power plants with known or suspected asbestos exposure:
Caste Gate / Carbon Power Plant (Helper)
Gadsby Power Plant (Salt Lake City)
Lake Side Power Plant (Vineyard)
Sunnyside Cogen Associates (Sunnyside)