Mesothelioma Lawyers
Our Nationally Acclaimed firm has over 150 years of collective experience and has recovered over $100,000,000 for Mesothelioma victims.
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How to find the right
mesothelioma lawyer.
Choose an Expert
Mesothelioma victims, in particular, have a good chance of receiving a settlement because negligence by manufacturers and corporations causes many, if not most, of these cancers. Also, the connection between asbestos exposure and these illnesses has long been accepted by the legal establishment and the medical community.
The cases can be complicated, in large part because of the lapse in time between exposure and the development of symptoms, which can be up to 50 years in some instances. Due to these legal and medical complexities, choosing the right mesothelioma lawyer is vital for the comfort of the victims and their families. Although many hometown, general practice lawyers are excellent in their areas of expertise, asbestos lawyers have the knowledge and skills to get victims the largest settlements in the shortest amount of time.
Do Your Research
Experts recommend doing intensive research before hiring a lawyer. Victims should take advantage of the internet to check a lawyer’s credentials and customer satisfaction. Satisfied clients are not shy about posting their happiness with a case’s outcome. Unhappy customers are even more likely to express their disapproval. State bar associations reached online or by phone can give a potential client information on complaints filed against a specific lawyer and reassure them that the lawyer is properly accredited.
People who develop these conditions can usually find former co-workers who have also gotten one of these illnesses. These fellow sufferers can be an excellent source of legal information, including the names of lawyers who specialize in the field.
Successful mesothelioma lawyers are happy to provide potential clients with the names and phone numbers of satisfied customers. These firms have loyal, satisfied clients who are willing to publicly state their satisfaction with their legal experience and settlement amount. If a firm is reluctant to provide these names, hiring them would be a mistake.
Discuss Compensation
Legitimate lawyers state their fees upfront and explain them in language anyone can understand. Good asbestos lawyers do make money for their efforts, as they should, but they strive to make certain that the victims and their families get the kind of financial award that will make their lives easier. No financial reward can make up for the horrors of an asbestos-related illness, but money does make day-to-day existence easier to manage. Reputable lawyers fearlessly fight for their clients’ rights and to improve their quality of life. Experts also recommend that potential clients meet with lawyers in person before retaining their services. Even those with excellent legal minds may not be the right fit if they do not demonstrate sincere compassion and interest in the client’s situation. Victims need understanding as well as legal advice.
Why Nemeroff Law?
Nemeroff Law Firm provides the kind of service that asbestos victims need. Their national trial lawyers have battled big business for years to collect damages for the victims of asbestos negligence. Together, the firm has more than 150 years of legal experience, a priceless asset for their clients. Their legal expertise is matched only by their compassion for the victims and their families.
The Nemeroff Law Firm has a sterling reputation throughout the nation for good reason. In the last several decades, their lawyers have won hundreds of millions of dollars for their clients. Their success is due in large part to the expert support team they have assembled, which includes legal and medical investigators and expert witnesses. In addition, they use the latest technology to ensure their clients get the greatest financial reward. Verdicts in the last decade include two $12 million awards in Louisiana, a $10 million verdict in Pennsylvania, and another $10 million award in New York. The firm is a member of American Board of Trial Advocates, Million Dollar Advocates Forum and numerous state bar organizations, including Utah, Texas, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Louisiana. They are positioned to serve clients in a number of locations throughout the United States.
Don’t Fight Mesothelioma Alone
A mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diagnosis devastates individuals and their families in every way. The health care costs alone are crushing, as is the fear and uncertainty that patients face about their future. Finding legal help in this situation is not a luxury but a true necessity. This battle cannot be fought alone and requires expert medical and legal care delivered by compassionate, professional team members. Although asbestos exposure causes chronic and often deadly medical conditions, treatments are constantly evolving.
Nemeroff Law Firm fights to protect their clients’ rights and get them the money they need to pay for the latest and most effective medical treatments and to help them live the best quality of life possible.